Monday 7 April 2014

C#.NET - Programming code to generate pyramid or triangle with '*' character

Today you will learn how to generate a pyramid or triangle with characters. Generally you may get this type of requirement in interview to test your coding skills.

Here I created one class in Console Application. Save this as a *.cs file and run it within your Console Application.

C# code to generate pyramid with characters

using System;
using System.Text;

class PrintPyramid
    static void Main()
        // Ask for the number to generate pyramid.
        Console.Write("Please enter number to generate triangle: ");
        // Get the input value.
        var noOfRows = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());

        // Generate pyramid with the given value.
        GenerateTriangle(noOfRows, '*');

        // Wait for the response from command line.

    // Method to generate pyramid
    private static void GenerateTriangle(long noOfRows, char charForTriangle)
        // Create an instance of type StringBuilder to store spaces.
        var sbSpaces = new StringBuilder();

        // Add Spaces to the StringBuilder.
        for (int spaces = 1; spaces < noOfRows; spaces++)
            sbSpaces.Append(" ");

        // Take initial row value as 1.
        var noPrint = 1;
        for (long number = 1; number <= noOfRows; number++)
            // Print spaces first.

            // Print 'X' in a single line to generate proper pyramid.
            for (long i = 1; i <= noPrint; i++)

            // After printing one line come to second line.

            // Increment noPrint value to add more 'X' to line.
            noPrint += 2;

            // Each time remove one space from StringBuilder to generate pyramid.
            if (sbSpaces.Length > 0)
                sbSpaces.Remove(0, 1);


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